Today, she is mine!!! We completed the adoption paperwork and it is official. She is Lianna Sarah Tingting Morrison.
She is the happiest child I have ever met. And I've met so many, many children, both biological and adopted. Even after eveything she has been through in her short little life, she smiles! She smiles constantly and has such a sweet voice. I keep thinking I must be dreaming all of this, and then I realize that no..I am really here in Guangxi with my two amazing daughters!!
Even better, she slept through the night last night. Of course I didn't. I woke up so many times to look at her and anticipated that she would be awake soon. But, we needed to wake her up this morning at 8:15, when she didn't even stir with all of the noise the rest of us were making. She is eating well, and repeating more and more things. My friends at PCCD will love to know that she imitates things immediately, both verbally and motorically. She has two word phrases in Mandarin which she uses spontaneously. Self feeding is another story! She just opens her mouth like a little sparrow. Good thing her mom is an OT. Although first I am going to enjoy feeding my sweet daughter and take in all I've missed with her.
We should have some photos uploaded tomorrow. Sent off 20 rolls of 35mm film to be developed and also uploaded to CD. With any luck, we'll figure out how to use these computers!
Congratulations. She is beautiful.
But, of course, you already knew that.
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