Friday, October 06, 2006

It is the moon festival tonight in China and we are here in the special area where both of my girls were born. The feelings around that are a bit indescribable.
We spent the past few days in Hechi, Desheng, and Yizhou. Both Katelyn and Lianna were born and found in Desheng. A piece of my heart is always here, even when we are home.
Today we met the two oldest girls of the SWI and were permitted to spend the day with them. The assistant director and two other SWI staff came as well. It was amazing to watch Katelyn with her two older Desheng sisters, who have smiles which can melt even the hardest of hearts. We were able to take them to a zhuang show (the area of China where Katelyn and Lianna are from is very heavily ethnic minority and Zhuang) and on a river boat cruise. We were taken to lunch by the director of the SWI, and had wonderful conversations together about children with special needs. I am very slowly gaining more insight into the procedures here. We then were able to take the two girls out shopping for some of the things they need. Our hearts broke as they spoke of how they are ostracized for being orphans, espcially at school. They are also old enough to be so aware of it all.
The past few days have been a whirlwind, without time or ability to get onto the internet. When we head to Nanning on Sunday, we'll have computers in our room so writing will be easier...although chasing a very active "strong willed" (as I learned today from two of the SWI staff) may keep me busy too!
Two more days to Lianna Tingting. Tonight, we'll say a special prayer for their birthfamilies as we look at the full autumn moon in China.


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