We leave in three days and now there are two carseats in the backseat of my car. There was something special about putting that second carseat in. It definitely makes things seem more real! I'm sure that Tingting will not appreciate needing to be in a carseat after all of the unrestricted travel in China. But, her big sister will be sitting next to her and will keep her entertained I'm sure!
Friday, September 29, 2006
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Two weeks from today, we'll be with Lianna Tingting. That seems like such a dream, and yet as I look around I see suitcases, diapers, and small clothing which means this is really happening! With Katelyn, I actually travelled Carry On Only...still not sure how I pulled that off. This time there are too many things to bring, most of which are gifts or things needed for the kids in Guangxi. My goal now is to distribute the weight of everything between the suitcases to avoid a fine by the airlines.
Katelyn is very excited, each night thanking God for the "paperwork from China" which has given us final approval to travel. She really wants to be a big sister! So, a week from tonight the rest of our bags will be packed and we will sleep for the last time as a family of two.
Katelyn is very excited, each night thanking God for the "paperwork from China" which has given us final approval to travel. She really wants to be a big sister! So, a week from tonight the rest of our bags will be packed and we will sleep for the last time as a family of two.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Some history.
It is hard to believe that a year ago we were in the same area with the same friends visiting the same places. While there, a tiny, tiny baby captured Katelyn...and she held her in her lap and gently kissed her head. The baby felt warm, and I was a little worried that she might not be feeling well. We learned that she, along with another little one was waiting for heart surgery through the Tomorrow Plan.
Katelyn and I came home from China thinking of all of the little ones we were so privledged to meet. Katelyn started asking for a sister. I told her she need to ask God about it. She was quiet for a minute, and quickly responded "He said YES". Apparently He had!
Tingting and the other baby had their surgeries in December. They were in our prayers and we sent blankets and a small toy to them to let them know we were thinking of them. Katelyn continued to ask for a sister.
In February I decided to start asking agencies about their waiting children programs. Tingting was tugging strongly at my heart, but I knew that it would be miraculous to actually have her as my daughter. Even so, I found a wonderful agency which was willing to work with me. On May 15th, I got a very special phone call saying "we've got her file". As Katelyn will continue to tell me "God said YES". and He certainly did. Soon, we are heading to China for our precious daughter and sister, whose name Lianna (in Hebrew) means "my God has answered". I can't think of a more fitting name for her.
It is hard to believe that a year ago we were in the same area with the same friends visiting the same places. While there, a tiny, tiny baby captured Katelyn...and she held her in her lap and gently kissed her head. The baby felt warm, and I was a little worried that she might not be feeling well. We learned that she, along with another little one was waiting for heart surgery through the Tomorrow Plan.
Katelyn and I came home from China thinking of all of the little ones we were so privledged to meet. Katelyn started asking for a sister. I told her she need to ask God about it. She was quiet for a minute, and quickly responded "He said YES". Apparently He had!
Tingting and the other baby had their surgeries in December. They were in our prayers and we sent blankets and a small toy to them to let them know we were thinking of them. Katelyn continued to ask for a sister.
In February I decided to start asking agencies about their waiting children programs. Tingting was tugging strongly at my heart, but I knew that it would be miraculous to actually have her as my daughter. Even so, I found a wonderful agency which was willing to work with me. On May 15th, I got a very special phone call saying "we've got her file". As Katelyn will continue to tell me "God said YES". and He certainly did. Soon, we are heading to China for our precious daughter and sister, whose name Lianna (in Hebrew) means "my God has answered". I can't think of a more fitting name for her.

We are leaving on October 2nd, at 8:31am. We'll fly to Beijing for an overnight, and head to Nanning on October 4th. Once in Nanning, we'll be seeing our special friends Helen and Xiao Xiao (with Grace and Hope www.grace-hope.org) and Matthew (with Girls Global Education Fund www.ggef.org) to do some work in the Desheng/Yizhou/Hechi area. After a few days in that area, we'll head back to Nanning for Tingting's arrival on the 8th!!!
My incredible agency got an update on Ting, which continues to describe her as "very active". I'm going to China with running shoes for this one :)
Sunday, September 10, 2006
We got TA!!
At 12:20 PM on Wednesday September 6th the anxiously awaited call came that our TA was here!! Luckily, I had just pulled off the road into the gas station when the phone rang, or else I might have driven off the road. My LID was 6/9/06, and PA came on 7/5/06. I learned that my wonderful agency had little Ting Ting's file the day after Mother's Day on May 15, 2006. Less than 4 months later, I got the call that we were heading to China!
Our travel dates are unconfirmed at this time, but we are hoping to leave the first week of October and have our consulate appointment in mid October. We will be travelling the same time as we did a year ago.
At 12:20 PM on Wednesday September 6th the anxiously awaited call came that our TA was here!! Luckily, I had just pulled off the road into the gas station when the phone rang, or else I might have driven off the road. My LID was 6/9/06, and PA came on 7/5/06. I learned that my wonderful agency had little Ting Ting's file the day after Mother's Day on May 15, 2006. Less than 4 months later, I got the call that we were heading to China!
Our travel dates are unconfirmed at this time, but we are hoping to leave the first week of October and have our consulate appointment in mid October. We will be travelling the same time as we did a year ago.